The Mighty One Who Cares: From Quarks & Pet Animals to Monarchs & Galaxies

Shabbat shalom chaverim and welcome to the weekly assembly of Messianic Evangelicals here in Sweden. Today should have been the next part of our Book of Revelation series but two deaths in one week has completely thrown me for a loop and I just haven’t had the strength to do the necessary preparation work, and to therefore do an expository sermon on so important and controversial a book of Scripture any sort of justice. Neither have I received a clear word on what I should talk to you today about as a substitute so I can do no more than throw my heart open to Yah’shua (Jesus) and trust the Ruach haQodesh (Holy Spirit) to lead me to a davar (word) that is mutually edifying.

Two Deaths in One Week

First permit me to ‘get the deaths out of the way’ since I happen to be the vessel of today’s message and this vessel has been on an emotional rollercoaster for some days. First, on 6 September, we said farewell to our Yorkshire terrier Chloë of 14 years who was such a big part of our lives, the more so as she got older and more infirm and so needed much more personal attention. Then we said farewell two days later to the longest reigning monarch in history who was loved not just by the British and Commonwealth people by the whole world….

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