Brexit: What It Means for Europe & the World

The 2016 ReferendumOn 23 June 2016 the British public went to the polls and 52 per cent, a substantial majority, voted to leave the European Union. This was followed by the resignation of the British Prime Minister, David Cameron. The losers in this decision will be the pro-EU bureaucrats and the big corporations with uncertainty about the future causing the Pound (£) to fall in value for a while. It’s certainly a blow to the EU itself and to the corporate élitists who run it and their plan for a United States of Europe as potentailly other EU nations may also demand referendums and leave the already shakey Union.

The EU Just a Transition to World GovernmentI have many thoughts and feelings about what has taken place and what may lie ahead in the future. I make no secret of the fact that I was a Brexit supporter if for no other reason that I am anti-totalitarian and the EU Project is totalitarian and undemocratic in nature. The EU is but a stepping stone toward satanic World Government, the ultimate objective of the élitists. So this was definitely the best choice for Britain, Europe and the World.

1940 and 2016It is, in a way, another 1940. Then, as today, Britain stood alone against a totalitarian colossus. There is, however, a big difference between 1940 and 2016. In 1940 Great Britain was a moral and a Christian nation. Today it is an immoral and a hedonistic nation. And with only 4 per cent between the victorious Brexit and Remain supporters, and knowing the deviousness of the EU élites, this victory might well be short-lived.

Collapse and World War Three ConsequencesThe interim ‘period of pain’, while confidence is restored and Britain can renegociate trade deals, might cause current Brexit supporters to change their minds later. Don’t forget also that a major financial collapse is only weeks or months away (forget the £120 billion trifle wiped off the FTSE after the Brexit result was announced). Additionally, the war drums are being beaten hard by the élitists and we could find ourselves in – if we are not already in – a Third World War which might be used as an excuse to delay Britain’s exit from the EU for the alleged sake of economic stability and security. Britain will, in any case, take a couple of years to exit the EU by which time everything may have changed….unless the EU itself has collapsed, which is more than a distinct possibility.

Enter America into the EquationIn 1940 Britain was alone against a nazi-dominated Europe. America did not enter the arena until 1941 when everything started to turn around. We have the US General Elections coming up too. A Trump victory will secure a Brexit Great Britain but a Clinton victory might well strangle it. All eyes are now on America.

No Paradise or Prosperity Will FollowThough Brexit is undoubtedly a good thing it will not lead to Paradise or Prosperity and it will not postpone the Judgment of Yahweh that is being poured out on the world which which has yet to reach its crescendo. At best Brexit will give believers a short breathing space. The élites will not deal honourably with Britain as they are impatient for world dictatorship. And Brexit does nothing to solve the problem of Britain’s own ruling élites (who will work secretly hand-in-hand with their counterparts in Europe and the World), the whole banking scam, insoluble national debt, and so on. The system is still the same, just fragmented a little more. And it may even spell the end of the United Kingdom with Scotland wanting to go its own way and join the EU as an independent country.

If the EU CrumblesI do not know if any other countries in the EU will follow Britain’s lead. The EU will now be considerably weakened but it will continue for as long as Germany remains at its helm or for as a long as the €uro remains solvent. Really, we have seen nothing yet. If other European countries were to follow suit and if Trump wins the American General Election, then we will have a little more time. If not, and globalisation continues apace, Britain may very well be forced to surrender its independence again at some point down the line in the not-too-distant future.

The Élites Still Maintain PowerIn the final anaylsis, the élites still have all the wealth and power irrespective of Brexit or a future exit by one of the big boys of Europe (Germany or France). Considering that we have a whole generation ahead of us before the Great Tribulation and Second Coming, I am inclinded to believe that Illuminati plans are going to be set back by many years, especially if there is a dominoes affect after Brexit. I have been saying that the élites were going to suffer a defeat for some years now. Yet there is more than one way to set up a dictatorship and the élites are counting on that. Fortunately, Yahweh has enumerable ways of stopping them too and what does transpire will be according to Yahweh’s Timetable and not Satan’s.

Brexit Without Repentance is Ultimately in VainBrexit will not save Great Britain without repentance and Trump will not save America if he wins without first a national repentance either. Waving a flag does not make you right with Yahweh. Patriotism will not save you. The financial capital of the world will still be the City of London even after Britain pulls out of the EU with the military capital in Washington CD and the religious capital in the Vatican. So without mass arrests of the criminal élites and the cancellation of national debts caused by the fractional reserve banking scam in the UK nothing substantial will change.

Preach the Gospel!So what must Britain do? Repent. What must we do? Preach the Besorah (Gospel) to the United Kingdom!

APPENDIXThe following are a couple of revelations received on the United Kingdom in 1988 and 1990. There are other prophecies and visions about the UK which can be found scattered around thr main website’s articles of which Warning Great Britain! A Vision and a Prophetic Message (26 March 2011) is one of the more important ones.

I. REVELATION ON GREAT BRITAIN22 December 1988“When the Son of Man cometh, and the devil is led away in chains, all men and women from all the nations will accept the Besorah (Gospel) to one degree or another, for the scales shall be taken from their eyes and they shall see the glory of the Son of Elohim (God) revealed before them. The nation of Great Britain yet abideth a great sleep for she hath become drunk on materialism and the things of the world. And Satan hath a great hold upon her, and rejoiceth because of the captivity of this portion of the House of Israel. But the Light burneth in many places and in many ways; And behold, I, the Master, shall blow My Ruach (Spirit) upon them in days to come, and ignite a great fire, that this portion of My House may awaken and take upon her the robes of her Priesthood. Then the reapers shall go forth and thou shalt build an assembly of the Firstborn in that land, to be an ensign unto the lost sheep. And astonishment shall take hold of many, for the lion of Judah shall roar again, and none shall sleep. And a great repentance shall be worked amongst this tribe of Israel (Ephraim) for their sins are numerous and cannot be covered save they turn away from their sluggishness and false traditions, and whoredoms, and lyings, for they have turned from My statutes and broken the covenants.

“I have saved them in days gone by, saith the Master, and I shall save them again if they will return unto Me and forsake the path of wickedness. And when she hath repented she shall again obtain the emblem of a white horse, which is the strength of her heart, she shall be redeemed in the Lamb, and all those who have not perished in the great tribulation. For unto her I gave the government of many nations, to be an example, and an ensign of the lesser degrees of My Besorah (Gospel). And when she hath grown into maturity, and hath laid aside her pride and corruptions, she shall be an ensign of the higher degrees of My Besorah (Gospel), and unite with her brethren of scattered Israel in the building of One Nation under the great Father of all, who is seated above in majesty, power, and glory.

“Let her not suppose, in her arrogance, that she is greater or lesser than any nation, but let her be the servant of all, like unto Joseph, for this hath always been her calling. I have loved this people greatly when they have waxed in righteousness and obedience and have blessed them with much of Heaven’s blessings; But when they have turned away from Me I have been sorely displeased, and have allowed them to gather the grapes of suffering for their own wickedness.

Let the British people return unto Me, even Yah’shua the Messiah (Jesus Christ), and forsake their gods, and I shall lead them and restore them anew. They will never again obtain power through wealth for they seek that which cannot be found. But if they desire glory, let them desire the glory of Elohim (God), who alone is worthy, and He who hath been sent. Amen” (Olive Branch, Section 90).

II. REVELATION ON GREAT BRITAIN AND ABORTION14 April 1990“Woe unto the nation of Great Britain who hath murdered My little ones, for her skirts are covered in blood. And therefore I cannot bless her unless she repenteth, the red horse being washed in the blood of the Lamb, that she may become the white horse” (Olive Branch, Section 232:7-8).

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